4 Reasons Why You Should Clean Your Office Air Ducts in 2019

You are probably already having the air ducts in your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system cleaned, but are you ensuring the air ducts in your office are being cleaned as well?
Having a professional clean out the air ducts in your office can have significant benefits for your work environment and the employees working in the building. This is particularly important after a long winter where your HVAC system is constantly in action, so it’s always good to set up an air duct cleaning for spring.
Why is it important to clean your office air ducts?
Over the winter months when your HVAC is used most, the air ducts in your office will become contaminated with dust, dirt, mold and bacteria. This means not only will your HVAC be working less efficiently due to blockages, but the air quality in your building will be significantly worse.
There are numerous benefits that your office can realize from a professional air duct cleaning. Georgian Duct Cleaning has listed three of the most important benefits here:
1 - Improve the health of your employees
Poor indoor air quality can lead to occupant discomfort and this often results in employee absenteeism. Symptoms that mimic a colds or the flu including headache, fatigue, sinus congestion, coughing, and sneezing can all indicate occupant discomfort. If your employees get sick and miss work often, cleaning your air ducts will improve their health.
This is also important if any of your employees suffer from allergies or asthma. Dirty air filters will lead to worse air quality and that will lead to the exacerbation of their symptoms. Better air quality will improve employee health and boost morale.
2 - Keep your office clean
Keeping your air ducts clean will also prevent your air conditioning from releasing dust into your home, stopping dust build up. As a result, you will be able to reduce the time that you or your cleaner spends cleaning the office.
3 - Improving the efficiency of your furnace
HVAC systems in offices are often large and complex, serving multiple work areas and multiple floors. These complex systems require expert cleaning and maintenance to ensure contaminants are properly removed.
Just like your home, these systems need period cleaning to ensure your furnace is working to its optimum efficiency. A professional cleaning will not make your furnace cheaper to run, it will also protect it against damage from the collection of debris.
Georgian Duct Cleaning is a leading company in the air duct cleaning industry and has been providing its services across Ontario since 1991.
With source removal methods that adhere to the highest industry standards, we will review the entire HVAC blueprints of your office and make recommendations on a suitable cleaning program for your building.
Want to learn more information about how we can help? Contact us today and our team of experts will be more than willing to discuss how we can create a plan that’s perfectly suited for the needs of your office.