5 Tips on Getting a Jumpstart on Your Spring Cleaning
As the weather starts to change, and we see longer sunnier days, it might have you thinking about starting your spring cleaning soon....

Remedy Excess Humidity In Your Home
The right amount of humidity in your home makes you comfortable and healthy… but too much humidity can cause many problems ranging from...

Why Fall is a Great Time to Clean Your Ducts!
Fall Duct Cleaning As winter fast approaches, leaving autumn behind, it is good to know that there is still time to get your ducts...

5 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home
Indoor air quality starts to become a concern in winter months as we start to spend more time indoors, and less time opening windows to...

Win the Battle Against Back to School Colds with Benefect Sanitizer
It’s back to school time! And what usually follows the back to school rush … cold and flu season. The good news is – regular duct...

What’s in Your Dust? How to Reduce Dust with Air Duct Cleaning
Ever wondered what’s in your home’s dust? The dust in your home can contain up to 9,000 different microbes … including 7,000 types of...

Summer Duct Cleaning for Your Home, Office or School
It’s summer time. And summer in Ontario usually means hot and humid. And if you’re like me, you’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather...

Georgian Duct Cleaning's 40 Point Residential Checklist
Air ducts can be home to pet hair, dust, building materials, mould, bacteria and fungal growth. Every time your heat or air conditioner...

Clean Your Air Ducts When You Spring Clean Your Home
Spring.. even though we haven't had any warm spring days yet, it won't be long until you want to open the windows and air-out the house....

Protect Your Home and Family From Dryer Fires with LintAlert
How would you rate your dryer’s performance? Dryers that feel hot to the touch or take more than one cycle to dry a load indicate a...