How To Improve Your Home's Indoor Air Quality
The average person spends 90% of their time indoors! Healthy indoor air can make a huge difference in your overall health. How would you...

Fall is a Good Time to Clean Your Home's Air Ducts
As much as we want to savour the warm days of August, there are signs that the season is starting to change. It's getting darker earlier...

Top Reasons to Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned
When I talk to people about HVAC systems they often ask - should I get my household air ducts cleaned? There are many reasons to have air...

Ontario Duct Cleaning Buyers Beware!
There are some great duct cleaning and furnace servicing companies out there in Ontario - and there are some that should be closed down....

Prevent Dryer Fires - Have Your Vented Cleaned and Monitored with LintAlert
Over a period of time, dryer vents become plugged with lint, hair and dust. If the dryer vent is not cleaned regularly, it will...
The Benefits of Spring Cleaning
It's been a long drawn out winter in Central Ontario, and everyone is looking forward to opening up the windows and airing out the house....

Does Your Spring Cleaning Include Duct Cleaning? Ask These Questions..
Everyone is longing for spring after having 4 solid months of winter! It's time to start thinking of spring cleaning and many people, who...

Learn About the Georgian Duct Cleaning Difference!
Your only choice for Source removal Air Duct Cleaning. Georgian Duct Cleaning uses the latest in custom built, truck mounted and...